Being on the shy side and having never participated in a group before, I was reluctant, but I am SO glad I took the leap!  Among her other talents, Andrea has a gift for making it feel safe to be yourself.
— Julie

The way of circle is ancient, timeless, and wise.

From the circling of seasons, the circle of life and death and back again, to arms circled around a loved one, we get a sense of continuation, of safety, of belonging.  Circles have been a place of protection and resiliency, where we can relax in the comfort of inclusiveness and wholeness.   

Being a part of a Sacred Circle can be powerful.  We get this sense of sacredness when we step into one and take space in one.  In these circles, everyone is seen, everyone is heard.  We are able to drop the busy-ness of our lives and be present for our selves and others in a most authentic way.   

In my Women’s Circles, we honor that sacredness with respect for individuality, with quiet and deep listening, with words of support or a gentle smile.  Together we build upon the safety of the circle, to give permission to be just who we are.  We are reminded that our thoughts and feelings are valid. We discover that sharing the inevitable struggle in each of our journeys helps it feel more manageable.  We learn that the strength of the group lives in us, throughout our days, giving us courage and pride to move forward.   

Being in a group myself, for almost 12 years, I know the deep satisfaction of feeling heard and loved for just who I am.  It has been a place for me to be witnessed and cheered on, as well as held in my darkest times.  I am so grateful for that space and I wish to share that with others, as I believe it is our right.    

Whether in my 6 or 8-week Sacred Circle Course or in my Continuation Circle, we discover a path to our most empowered selves and gather continued support along the way.  


Let’s circle through life’s journey together. 

Each class opens with a guided meditation and closes with gratitude.  Together we will read and discuss Cia Ricco’s book, “Living As If Your Life Depended On It”, using this as our guide to learn more about our selves while creating wholeness, empowerment and deep connection.

Photo by AlexPro9500/iStock / Getty Images

Sacred Circle Course

6 Week Course over Zoom

$300 per person

Participants: 8 women, maximum